
The SEF.Growth programme

Access tailored support through partnerships with leading organisations and gain invaluable advice from experienced entrepreneurs. 

Here's how the programme works:

Step 1: Business Model Check

Step 1: Business Model Check

The SEF.Growth Business Model Check is a virtual stage allowing entrepreneurs to discuss their growth strategy and gain valuable feedback from a high-caliber panel of entrepreneurs and strategy experts from the network of the Swiss Economic Forum and its partners.

Since we want you to be resilient and sustainable, it is not a classical pitch. Under an NDA, participants dive into your challenges and offer targeted insights. Whether it's strategy, scaling, fundraising or go-to-market, you're unsure about – they'll review your materials in advance to provide meaningful feedback and maximum value.

Documents needed

We only need your actual investors pitch deck. Prepare questions for the participating partners so we can get into a productive discussion.

Take away

  • You have connections and further access to our partner and can profit from discounts and free consulting.

  • You leave the meeting with many insights and opportunities to become better.

  • Together we get a feeling for your stage and can plan the next steps.

Step 2: Strategy & Label Assessments

Step 2: Strategy & Label Assessments

As part of the strategic assessment, you will receive an in-depth analysis of your growth strategy. We offer detailed, practical-oriented, and personal coaching for selected companies in the middle of a strategic growth and scaling phase.

A bespoke team of experienced entrepreneurs and consultants will assess your business. In a focused 2-hour call, we'll dive deep into your business model. Participants will review your documentation in advance to maximise efficiency and provide constructive challenges. Be open – there is no right or wrong, only a search for consistency.

This step consists of two rounds: Strategy Assessment and Label Assessment.

Documents needed

Since we go really in-depth, there is more to deliver:

  • Investor pitch deck

  • Financial Model

  • Last financial statement (incl. audit report if available)

  • Organisation chart

  • Cap table

  • The Company report filled out (DE/EN)

  • Vector Logo & image pictures

Take away

  • The strategy assessment will give you many external insights into your company.

  • To get the SEF.Growth High Potential Label, there will be some tasks to accomplish before you proceed to the final Label Assessment.

Step 3: SEF.Growth High Potential Label

Step 3: SEF.Growth High Potential Label

Companies that successfully pass the assessments will receive the "SEF.Growth High Potential" quality label. The label strengthens your position in the market among customers, suppliers, and financing partners. 

The SEF.Growth programme has existed for more than ten years. More than 90% of the companies graduating from the programme still drive the market. What got them there is solid work on their business model and their strategy.

Additional benefits

SEF.Founder Community Membership

The moment you get the SEF.Growth High Potential Label, you get a Membership to the SEF.Founder Community for one year, worth CHF 490.-. This opens doors to premium networks, featuring inspiring events like the SEF.Founder Conference and the Swiss Economic Forum, plus attractive business opportunities. 

Join the Awards of the Swiss Economic Forum

The SEF.Growth High Potential label also improves your chances of applying for the Swiss Economic Award, Switzerland’s most prestigious prize for young entrepreneurs.

Spread your story

Every company gaining the label, we cover with a story on our website, a LinkedIn post on the official Swiss Economic Forum channel and a section in the SEF.Growth Newsletter

Rise up your potential!

Join the SEF.Growth Programme. Answer a simple questionnaire and find out if you qualify.